Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Million Dollar Neighbourhood, Episode 4

Me, Joe, and Paul Brandt
This past Sunday, we had a huge surprise, Paul Brandt performed some of his greatest hits, just for the Million Dollar Neighbourhood families. The only word I have is "incredible" We were all apprehensive about going to Knox Christian Farm in fear, we thought we were going to get yet another challenge, cleaning out stalls, picking up after the horses, something disgusting like that, so this was truly an amazing surprise!!!! After wards, we had our pictures taken with Paul Brandt, and each given a photo, signed by Mr. Brandt himself, along with his latest CD. Then, much to everyone's surprise, we were treated with an unexpected Bar-b-q, allowing us a time to relax and enjoy each others company. What a treat that was.

Episode 5 is fast approaching, but already I have many people in the community, and surrounding area's recognize me. The first question they ask is do you really spend $500 on groceries, I may as well put a sign on my back, "NO I DO NOT SPEND $500 ON GROCERIES", as seen in episode 3. But mostly, they congratulate me on being nominated, and enjoy watching me every week. It's a learning curve for sure!! But I have to admit, I love it!

Being on reality television is quite the experience, the crew were especially nice, thoughtful, and  cared about our well being. I've become friends with some of them, and often meet up with my favourite girl M.J, for lunch. We reminisce, but mostly talk about our future. Both of us agree, that show biz is a bug, once you experience it, you want to keep going. I am currently seeking other roles, and we hope to continue this journey together.

The make-up artist, from "In your face" which you can find on face book, is an incredible lady. We have also formed a friendship and talk regularly. She is hosting a makeup seminar on tricks of the makeup artist trade, beauty secrets, how to apply your makeup with confidence and giving tutorials. I've always wanted to learn how to apply makeup, especially smoky eyes, and how to apply makeup to look younger. 

So getting back to the show, this week were were giving cards of doom, either as a mentor, loss of spouse, or disability. As I'm already on disability, I was given the card "loss of spouse", so for that week, I was single, lol

I remember joking around with James (the director) who said he would marry me, then during   filming, he discovered how much I spend, and left me, all in fun, and a great laugh, then Mike (audio) said not to worry, he would marry me. This became our joke throughout the show. 

However, on a more Serious note, nothing ever prepares you for a loss, as Julie struggles with the loss of her husband. I couldn't imagine what I would do without Joe.I'm not even thinking about our finances, that would be the least of my worries. Losing Joe, would be like losing a part of myself. We are soul mates, and more in love today than before, and celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary this October. OMG, 25 years, I just can't wrap my head around that! 

Joe has supported, loved, and cared for me, especially through my illness. Some people just don't understand mental illness, it is not contagious, I am not crazy, it is a "REAL CONDITION" The only difference from other illnesses like diabetes, cancer, or heart disease, is that you can't see it, not by ex-rays, MRI's, CT scans, or blood work. It is for many, like myself, a chemical imbalance in the brain. People with depression suffer in silence, we can have a smile on our face, but inside, we're feeling the weight of the world within our being. 

When people ask how you are, my response is usually "I'm fine", but a lot of the times, I'm fighting a battle and just to weak to tell the truth. So next time you meet up with someone, and ask how they are, really listen, and encourage them to speak. How are you? No really, how are you? may get someone to open up, but be prepared to hear the truth.